MP Board Exam 2023: Important information for 10th-12th students, admit card released, download here, know rules

MP Board Exam 2023: Important information for 10th-12th students, admit card released, download here, know rules
MP Board Exam 2023: Important information for 10th-12th students, admit card released, download here, know rules

Important information for 10th 12th students. The admit card has been issued for the exam to be held on March 1, 2023. Admit cards can be downloaded through MP Online. It is mandatory to have the signature and seal of the principal on the admit card.

MP Board Exam 2023: MP Board is important information for the students. Actually the admit cards for class 10th and 12th exams have been issued. Class 10th and 12th exams are to be conducted from March 1, 2023. Admit cards have been issued for this. Rules and instructions have also been fixed for the High Secondary and High School annual examination. Also, the admit cards for High School Higher Secondary School and Higher Secondary School Vocational Annual Examination 2023 have been issued. The seal and signature of the school principal as well as the admit card will be mandatory.

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A press release has been issued by the Board of Secondary Education. The MPBSE release said that the admit card for other examinations including High School, Higher Secondary and Higher Secondary Vocational has been uploaded on the MP Online Portal. The school principal will download the admit card and provide the admit card to the students with his/her seal and signature.

Admit cards of some schools stopped

To download the admit card, students can visit the dedicated portal by MP Online Limited and Board of Secondary Education, Madhya Pradesh. On the other hand, in the release issued by the Board of Secondary Education, Controller of Examinations, it has been said that the schools which have not submitted 20% declaration form online. The admit cards of such institutes have been withheld. Admit cards will be issued only after the declaration form is submitted online.

18 lakh students will appear in the exam

The preparation for the same board examination has been completed. Under the new rule, only one answer seat will be made available to the candidates. However, this time the pages of the answer sheet have been increased. Answer sheet of 20 pages has been increased to 32 pages.

Along with this, the examination is to be conducted at 3800 examination centres. Sensitive and hypersensitive exam centers were selected to prevent cheating. Whose videography will also be done. Along with this, the supervision of the supervisors will also be there, the flying squad will be involved in the examination centers. Please tell that this year 18 lakh students are going to appear in the examination.

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