Multiple Bank Accounts: Important News! People with more than one bank account should be careful, you will have to suffer 6 losses

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Bank New Rules for Loan : Now these people will not get loan quickly, know the new rules of banks

Multiple Bank Accounts: If you also have an account in more than one bank, then this news is to alert you. Let us tell you that due to having multiple accounts, you have to pay annual maintenance fees and service charges. Apart from credit and debit cards, banks also charge you money for other banking facilities…

Due to having multiple accounts, you have to pay annual maintenance fees and service charges. Apart from credit and debit cards, the bank also charges you money for other banking facilities. So here also you have to suffer a loss of a lot of money.

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Salary account gets converted into savings account-

If salary is not received in any salary account for three months, it gets converted into a savings account. By converting it into a savings account, the bank’s rules regarding the account change. Then banks treat it as a savings account. According to bank rules, it is necessary to maintain a minimum amount in the savings account. If you do not maintain this, you may have to pay penalty and the bank may deduct money from the amount deposited in your account.

Will not get better interest-

Having accounts in more than one bank can cause big loss to you. To maintain each of your accounts, you have to keep a fixed amount of money in it. This means that if you have more than one account, your huge amount will get stuck in the banks. You get a maximum of 4 to 5 percent annual return on that amount. At the same time, if instead of keeping money in a savings account, you invest it in other schemes, then you will get more interest in the form of annual returns.

Credit score gets bad-

Having more than one inactive account also has a negative impact on your credit score. Not maintaining minimum balance in your account spoils your credit score. Therefore, never take an inactive account lightly and close that account as soon as you leave the job.

Difficulty in filing income tax-

Due to having accounts in more banks, one has to face a lot of difficulties while depositing taxes. One has to struggle a lot in paperwork also. Also, while filing income tax, information related to all bank accounts has to be maintained. Often collecting records of their statements becomes a very complicated task.

These extra charges are applicable-

Having multiple accounts requires you to pay annual maintenance fees and service charges. Apart from credit and debit cards, the bank also charges you money for other banking facilities. So here also you have to suffer a loss of a lot of money.

Risk of fraud-

Having accounts in many banks is also not good from security point of view. Everyone operates the account through net banking. In such a situation, remembering everyone’s password is a very difficult task. By not using an inactive account, the chances of it becoming a fraud are very high because you do not change its password for a long time. To avoid this, close the account and delete its net banking.

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