Must Know Canceled Trains List: More than 200 trains canceled today, check railway updated train list here

Must Know Canceled Trains List: More than 200 trains canceled today, check railway updated train list here
Must Know Canceled Trains List: More than 200 trains canceled today, check railway updated train list here

Canceled Trains Today List: It has been seen many times that railways have to cancel some trains due to different reasons. At the same time, trains have to be diverted or rescheduled at times.

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Train Ticket Booking: Indian Railways travels a distance of lakhs of kilometers everyday. At the same time, lakhs of people travel through railways every day. As a cheap medium for long distance travel, rail transport remains in the priority of all sections of the people. Traveling via rail is also very comfortable. However, sometimes it also happens that due to delay or cancellation of the train, passengers also have to face a lot of problems. Also, sometimes the train gets diverted or rescheduled. Even today many trains have been cancelled, diverted and rescheduled.

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Traffic disruption

Monsoon is currently continuing in the country. Rain and flood conditions are prevailing in many states of the country. In such a situation, many times there is a problem in rail traffic due to bad weather, due to which the passengers have to suffer. At the same time, due to technical difficulties and repair of railway tracks, there is also a hindrance in traffic.

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So many trains canceled

, in such a situation, many trains have been canceled by the railways even today. Today on July 17, 246 trains have been canceled by the Railways. Out of these, 203 trains have been completely canceled while 43 trains have been partially cancelled. Apart from this, today 7 trains have been rescheduled, while 6 trains have been diverted.

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you can check this type cancelled train

which trains have been canceled in the country today, information can be obtained from this link . Apart from this, for information about which trains have been diverted or rescheduled today , click on this link .

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