New pay scale for these employees! Will get the benefit of new pay scale, amount will increase in the account, know details

Pension New Update: Now employees will be able to easily avail the benefit of higher pension, know how?
Pension New Update: Now employees will be able to easily avail the benefit of higher pension, know how?

Orders have been given to the government to give the benefit of pay scale to the employees.

There is good news for the employees. In fact, 6th pay commission employees working in government schools of the state will also be provided with the same pay scale. In this regard, the High Court has given important relief to the employees. The High Court has said in its order that all the employees engaged under the rules before the year 2010 should be provided pay scale under the UGC pay scale.

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While hearing the case, Justice Sandeep Sharma has clarified in his judgment that employees cannot be discriminated against and equal class employees have the right to equal pay scales. Earlier, the petition of 100 assistant librarians was accepted by the High Court.

In which the court has clarified that the payment of equal pay to the employees discharging normal work cannot be denied. They should be given the benefit of equal pay. In 2002, 88 posts of Assistant Librarians were applied by the petitioners. For which the recruitment process was postponed indefinitely.

In the year 2009, once again the advertisement was issued. In which it was clarified that the petitioners who had applied in 2002 would not need to apply again and they were selected. His services were regularized in 2015 after he was given a job on contract basis.

Now it has been alleged by the petitioners in the court that they are not being given the benefit of pay scale on the lines of UGC since the year 2010, whereas UGC pay scales are being provided to all the regular employees before 2010. Not only this, it was clarified by the petitioners that their recruitment has been done in accordance with the qualification and rules under the Recruitment and Promotion Rules 2000.

In such a situation, they should also be provided the benefit of equal pay scale. After getting clarification from the court on the petitioner’s point, the court has given an important decision in the interest of the petitioners. Orders have been given to the government that they should also be given the benefit of pay scale on the lines of UGC.

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