Online Payment Apps : One mistake will make you bankrupt! If you use Google Pay, PhonePe then do not ignore these 5 things

Online Payment Apps : One mistake will make you bankrupt! If you use Google Pay, PhonePe then do not ignore these 5 things
Online Payment Apps : One mistake will make you bankrupt! If you use Google Pay, PhonePe then do not ignore these 5 things

Cyber ​​Fraud on Online Payment Apps: In this era of online payment, cases of cyber fraud are also increasing rapidly. One mistake of yours can empty your bank account. Know five tips to avoid this.

Fraud on Online Payment Apps: Year after year, people are finding the facility of online payment easy. The number of people using them is also increasing continuously. However, you need to be more careful while making payment through these apps. In this era of online payment, cases of cyber fraud are also increasing rapidly. One mistake of yours can empty your bank account. In such a situation, we will tell you five such tips, due to which you can avoid these frauds happening in these apps.

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Screen lock

Not only smartphones, you can also put a screen lock on these apps. Sometimes your online payment app can be used even in case of phone loss. In such a situation, screen lock can be very useful. However, avoid using your name, mobile number or date of birth while entering the password.

Do not share PIN with anyone

Do not share your UPI PIN with anyone. This rule also applies to your close friends and people. If your PIN has been found out by another person, then change it immediately.

Do not click on any fake links

At this time, scammers are sharing fake messages and links in your inbox or on social media. In the message, you are lured with money and forced to click on the links and details are asked. In such a situation, do not click on any link.

Keep updating the app

While using payment apps, keep using these apps. Also, avoid keeping too many payment applications. At the same time, if needed, keep only trusted and verified payment apps in the phone.

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