PAN Card Latest News : Important Information for PAN Card Users, Even By Mistake, This Mistake Will Attract a Fine of 10 Thousand rupees.

Pan Card Correction : Big news! Now you can do PAN card correction in these two ways at home, see here process
Pan Card Correction : Big news! Now you can do PAN card correction in these two ways at home, see here process

PAN Card Latest News: One mistake related to PAN card can defraud you. Holding two PAN cards under section 272B of the Income Tax Act, 1961 can attract heavy fines. 

 PAN Card Latest News: In today’s time,  PAN card is a mandatory document. Without this, no financial transaction can take place. It is required to do every financial transaction and to open an account in the bank. From bank to office, you cannot do any financial work without it.

It has now been made mandatory to link PAN card with Aadhaar and everywhere. Earlier its last date was 30 September 2021, which has now been increased to 31 March 2022. With this, let us tell you that a mistake related to the PAN card can lead to a fine of Rs 10,000.

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Having two Cards Will Cause These Big Problems 

Wherever you are entering the PAN number, then fill the ten digit PAN number given on the PAN card very carefully. Any spelling mistake or number here and there can get you heavy penalty.

Along with this, even if you have two PAN cards, you may have to pay a big fine. This may freeze your bank account. Therefore, if you also have two PAN cards, then immediately your second PAN card will have to be surrendered to the department. There is also a provision for this in section 272B of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

This is How to Surrender Another PAN Card

The process of surrendering PAN is easy. There is a common form for this which you have to fill.

For This, You go to The Income Tax Website.

Now click on the link ‘Request For New PAN Card Or/ And Changes Or Correction in PAN Data’.

Download The Form Now.

Now after filling the form, go to any NSDL office and submit it.

While surrendering the second PAN card, submit the same along with the form.

You Can do This Online as Well.

Let us tell you that two different PAN cards coming in the name of the same person at the same address fall in this category. If you also have two PAN cards, then one has to be surrendered.


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