Paytm is giving a chance to win IPhone 15! Know how to take advantage of this offer…?

Paytm is giving a chance to win IPhone 15! Know how to take advantage of this offer...?
Paytm is giving a chance to win IPhone 15! Know how to take advantage of this offer...?

Paytm Republic Day Festival Offer: If you also use Paytm for online payment then there is a good news for you. The company came up with an offer through which you can win iPhone 15 along with cashback up to Rs 500. Yes, you read it right.

Actually, Paytm has brought a special offer for all the customers in the name of Republic Day Festival Offer. Let us understand step by step how you can enjoy this offer and win a gleaming iPhone.

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2 steps have to be followed

The company has made 2 steps to complete this offer, by following which you can make iPhone 15 yours with cashback up to Rs 500. Talking about the first step, you do not have to do much in this, you just have to make a normal payment. By doing this your first step will be completed.

This is how you can win iPhone 15

Talking about the second step, in this you will have to collect stamps by asking your friends and family to play the game. The user who collects all 16 stamps can win iPhone 15 and will also get cashback up to Rs 500. Let us tell you that this Republic Day Paytm offer is available till 31st January. Although we also checked PhonePe and Google Pay, but till now no such special offer is available on these two platforms.

What needs to be done?

To complete this game, you have to make payment only through normal and credit cards. You will get a card after every payment. You will also get some stamps on inviting a friend. However, if you are not able to collect all 16 stamps by January 31, then all your remaining stamps will also get spoiled. Therefore, take special care of this matter.

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