Pension Plan: Special government scheme for bachelors, after 45 you will get monthly pension of Rs 2750, know details

LIC's cool scheme! You will get guaranteed monthly income in old age, you will get strong returns on investment, know the calculation
LIC's cool scheme! You will get guaranteed monthly income in old age, you will get strong returns on investment, know the calculation

Pension Plan: Everyone needs pension after retirement. It does not matter whether the person is married or not. Married people have their family, from whom they also expect help in old age. But this does not happen with unmarried people.

For them, the post-retirement phase is also difficult and full of difficulties. We are going to tell about such a scheme, by taking advantage of which unmarried men and women can avail pension.

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About the scheme

The name of this special scheme is “Unmarried Pension Scheme ” , which is operated by the Government of Haryana. The scheme was announced by the Chief Minister of the state in July this year. Under the scheme, unmarried men and women will get a pension of Rs 2750 per month. Unmarried persons aged 45 to 60 years can avail the scheme. However, to avail the scheme, it will be necessary to fulfill certain conditions.

here are the conditions

The annual income of an unmarried beneficiary should not exceed Rs 1 lakh 80. People living in live-in cannot avail the benefits of this scheme. Only the residents of Haryana will get the benefit of the scheme.

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