Personal Loan :Big News! Want to take advantage of balance transfer in personal loan, then take care of these important things

Personal Loan vs Credit Card: Credit card or personal loan, which one is wise to use in an emergency?
Personal Loan vs Credit Card: Credit card or personal loan, which one is wise to use in an emergency?

Let us tell you that any bank or financial company checks your CIBIL score before giving a loan. Through this loan, it is known that how is the credit history of the borrower.

Nothing can be said when it will happen in life. Sometimes there is a sudden need of money in an emergency. In such a situation, many people take the route of taking a personal loan.

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But, the biggest disadvantage of taking a personal loan is that its rate of interest is very high. If your CIBIL score is low while taking the loan, then the interest burden increases even more.

Let us tell you that any bank or financial company checks your CIBIL score before giving a loan. Through this loan, it is known that how is the credit history of the borrower. Along with this, whether he gives it to his people at the right time or not.

If your CIBIL score is above 750 then you can easily get loan at low interest rate. But, if your CIBIL score is below 750 then you have to face more trouble while taking the loan. Along with this, a higher interest rate also has to be paid in it.

Go for Personal Loan Transfer Option

  • When you have taken a personal loan, you may have taken a loan at a higher rate of interest at that time but, later after improving the CIBIL score, you may be getting a loan at a lower rate of interest .
  •  In such a situation, you can adopt the technique of personal loan transfer to save money. So let us tell you about how to transfer personal loan-

These benefits are available on personal loan transfer-

  • Balance transfer technology reduces the loan burden on you. Along with this, the EMI you have to deposit every month also gets reduced.
  • Banks give cheap loan offers to the customers to connect with their bank.
  • This makes it easier to repay the loan.
  • Keep these things in mind while transferring personal loan-
  • Before taking advantage of loan transfer, definitely take information about its monthly installment and other charges etc.

Know about loan calculations and EMIs correctly.

With this, calculate the rate of interest of the new bank and the rate of interest of the old bank correctly.


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