Petrol Diesel Price Today : Petrol and diesel prices updated on the first day of the week, check latest rates.

Petrol and diesel became expensive once again, know what is the latest price of oil today
Petrol and diesel became expensive once again, know what is the latest price of oil today

On Monday, November 6, the country’s oil companies have revised the prices of petrol and diesel. At the national level, oil prices again remained stable today, although some cities may see a change in prices by a few paise. Read what is the complete news.

Today at 6 am on Monday, once again the oil companies of the country have updated the prices of petrol and diesel for every small and big cities of the country. Although today the oil prices have once again been kept stable at the national level, changes in the total amount can definitely be seen in some cities.

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What is the rate in your city?

City Petrol (price per liter) Diesel (price per liter)
New Delhi Rs 96.72 Rs 89.62
Thiruvananthapuram Rs 110.02 Rs 98.80
Kolkata Rs 106.03 Rs 92.76
Noida Rs 97.00 Rs 90.14
Gurugram Rs 96.71 Rs 89.59
Patna Rs 107.24 Rs 94.04
Mumbai Rs 106.31 Rs 94.27
Chennai Rs 102.63 Rs 94.24
Bengaluru Rs 101.94 Rs 87.89
Bhubaneswar Rs 103.11 Rs 94.68
Chandigarh Rs 96.20 Rs 84.26
Hyderabad Rs 109.66 Rs 97.82
Jaipur Rs 108.48 Rs 93.72
Lucknow Rs 96.56 Rs 89.75

Why different prices in every city

Actually, the reason for the different prices of petrol and diesel in different cities is the loan imposed by each city and state government. Let us tell you that one barrel of imported crude oil contains about 159 liters of crude oil, which the oil refinery refines and extracts petrol and diesel from it.

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