Post office money double scheme: Big news! Money doubles in 3 months, interest rate is also high, know scheme details

Post office money double scheme: Big news! Money doubles in 3 months, interest rate is also high, know scheme details
Post office money double scheme: Big news! Money doubles in 3 months, interest rate is also high, know scheme details

In the Kisan Vikas Patra scheme of the post office, the money doubles within a few months. On January 1, 2023, the government has increased its interest rates.

Post Office Scheme : Many schemes are run by the post office. Some of these rule the hearts of investors. Due to the benefits and attractive interest rates, people still consider it beneficial to invest in it. We are going to tell you about one such special scheme. If you also wish to earn handsome profits by investing in post office schemes, then this news can be very useful for you. Here we are talking about Kisan Vikas Patra Yojana. If invested properly, your money can double in just 3 months or 90 days.

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This is how money will double in 3 months
The government has also changed the interest rates of KVP this year. It has also come into force from January 1. Under the scheme, customers get 20 basis points more interest. You can avail its benefits from Rs.1000 only. However, there is no limit to invest. After opening the account, the amount has to be deposited in multiples of 100. If you invest Rs 5 lakh then your amount becomes Rs 10 lakh in just 90 days. This is one of the safe schemes run by the post office, which gives a golden opportunity to earn monty money.

Earlier, only 7 percent interest is available under this 123-month scheme, but now it has increased to 7.2 percent. Now the money will double in only 120 months. It matures in 10 years. After which strong returns are received. This is one of the favorite schemes of the people. Investing in which people consider it a good option. You can open an account for this in both single and joint mode.

Disclaimer: The purpose of this news is only to share information. discountwalas does not recommend investing in any scheme or share. Take expert advice before investing in any scheme.

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