Post Office Scheme: By investing Rs 1500 a month in this scheme, you can create a fund of Rs 35 lakh, know how

Post Office Scheme: By investing Rs 1500 a month in this scheme, you can create a fund of Rs 35 lakh, know how
Post Office Scheme: By investing Rs 1500 a month in this scheme, you can create a fund of Rs 35 lakh, know how

Gram Suraksha Scheme – If you want to make risk free investment, then the post office’s Gram Suraksha Yojana is very useful for you. It gives good return on low investment. Also you can take loan on it.

A good investment gives good returns. There are many options to invest money. Many people invest in the stock market and mutual funds. Now people have started investing in cryptocurrencies too. There is risk in investing in all these. How much return will be received in these, it is not certain. The returns in these are dependent on the market conditions.

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If you are among those people who want to invest money without taking any risk then you should pay attention to the schemes of Indian Post Office . Gram Suraksha Scheme is one such scheme. This small savings scheme of the post office gives you a big investment and return . There is no risk of losing your money in this. By depositing 1500 rupees per month in this scheme, you can get 35 lakh rupees. Along with this you will also get many other facilities like loan.

Know what is the plan?
The one who invests in Gram Suraksha Yojana gets the benefit of full 35 lakhs (benefit of Gram Suraksha Scheme). The investor gets this amount of this scheme along with the bonus at the age of 80 years. In this, if the person investing in the scheme dies before the age of 80, then his nominee gets this amount. Any citizen of India from 19 years to 55 years can invest in Gram Suraksha Yojana. An investment of at least Rs 10,000 to Rs 10 lakh can be made in this. Many options are also given in this for paying premium. The installments can be paid by the investor on a monthly, quarterly, half yearly or yearly basis.

This is the math of premium
If you buy this policy at the age of 19, then you will have to pay a premium of Rs 1515 every month for 55 years. For 58 years you will have to pay a premium of Rs 1463 and for 60 years you will have to pay a premium of Rs 1411. The policy buyer will get a maturity benefit of Rs 31.60 lakh for 55 years, Rs 33.40 lakh for 58 years. At the same time, the maturity benefit for 60 years will be Rs 34.60 lakh.

These are additional benefits
After purchasing a Gram Suraksha policy, you can also take advantage of the loan. However, the loan can be taken only after 4 years of the purchase of the policy. Apart from this, if there is a default in paying premium at any time during the policy term, then you can start it again by paying the pending premium amount.

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