Post Office Scheme : This scheme is best for husband and wife, will make them rich in short time….

Post Office Scheme : This scheme is best for husband and wife, will make them rich in short time….
Post Office Scheme : This scheme is best for husband and wife, will make them rich in short time….

Post Office scheme: Investing in the post office savings scheme is considered very convenient in terms of money security. Every category from post office

Post Office scheme: Investing in the post office savings scheme is considered very convenient in terms of money security. A savings scheme is being run by the post office for every category of people. Under this scheme of the post office, both husband and wife can invest.

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Under this scheme, husband and wife can easily earn huge income for a month in one time investment for their future and better future of their children. Actually, we are talking about the monthly income scheme of the post office.

What is Post Office Monthly Income Saving Scheme?

This monthly income scheme of the Post Office is a saving scheme run by the government. In this scheme, people will be given annual interest of 7.4 percent. Actually, the scheme is a very famous scheme among the people. Investors are given monthly income in one-time investment.

The good thing is that, under this scheme, people can open both single account and joined account. Apart from this, maximum 3 people can open this account simultaneously.

How much will be earned in this monthly income scheme?

Let us tell you that under this scheme (Post Office), you can invest minimum multiple of Rs 1000. A maximum of Rs 9 lakh will have to be invested in a single account and Rs 15 lakh in a joint account. An investor of Rs 9 lakh will be given Rs 5,500 per month and an investor of Rs 15 lakh will be given Rs 9,250.

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