Prices of Registered Property Transactions: Now sitting at home, you will be able to find out which residential property has been bought or sold for how much in lakhs of projects in 10 cities.
Prices of Registered Property Transactions on Square Yards: Now you will be able to get information about how much a property was bought or taken on lease in your city or near you from the comfort of your home.
Square Yards, the country’s most integrated platform for real estate and mortgage, has introduced a special data intelligence feature on its platform. On the platform of this proptech firm, you will be able to know the prices of registered sale or lease transactions of residential properties in a project or locality in 10 major cities of the country.
According to the statement issued by Square Yards, these will be the actual prices according to the registration data of the government. On the company’s platform, 1.4 lakh buildings / projects in the top 10 cities of the country are available i.e. data of about 56 lakh transactions will be available here.
Everyone can see this data
According to Tanuj Shorey, Founder and CEO, Square Yards, for decades, real estate customers, ie property buyers, have had no idea about prices, due to which they have to argue in bargaining.
According to the way he was told, he used to bargain in the dark with guesswork. Now with the new feature of Square Yards, its reliable and real data will be available online. Its access will be available to buyers, sellers, landlords and tenants.
Properties sold for Rs 6100 crore in FY 2021
Square Yards is one of the largest housing and home loan brokerage firms in the country. It helps customers in real estate property search, transaction, home loan, rentals, property management and post sales services.
The company has acquired Azure, PropsAMC and PropVR to strengthen its service capability and in December 2021, it was revealed by quoting sources that it is going to bring an IPO of Rs 1500 crore.
The company has so far raised $125 million (Rs 933.64 crore), of which $60 million (Rs 448.15 crore) is in the form of equity. The company had received a revenue of Rs 250 crore in the financial year 2020-21.
It had sold properties worth Rs 6100 crore to builders in the last financial year and helped with loans worth Rs 1900 crore.