Crores of passengers had to face a lot of trouble due to the cancellation of trains. However, Railv has released the list of canceled trains on the website of IRCTC.
Railway is called the life line of the country. In which even a minor change affects crores of passengers. On Friday i.e. January 27, suddenly 283 trains were canceled by the Railways. Due to which crores of passengers had to face a lot of trouble. However, Railv has released the list of canceled trains on the website of IRCTC . If you are also traveling by train today, then check the list before leaving home. Is your train also not included in the list of canceled trains? Dense fog is said to be the reason behind the cancellation of such a large number of trains.
According to the railway notification, a total of 283 trains have been cancelled. Out of which about 41 trains have been rescheduled. While some trains have also been canceled internally. Along with this, the route of some of these trains has also been diverted. Along with this, the Railways has also made it clear that the number of canceled trains can increase or decrease. For more information, you can also visit the official website of Railways. Or you can also see the name and number of canceled trains by visiting https://enquiry.indianrail.gov.in/mntes.
Why are trains cancelled?
Trains are being canceled due to continuous fog since the onset of cold. Because the route of trains is not clear due to dense fog. Due to which the number of train accidents increases. Railways have to take this step only for the safety of the passengers. However, due to this decision of the Railways, the Railways has to bear the loss of a lot of revenue daily. But the safety of passengers is paramount for the Railways. At the same time, let us tell you that due to the sudden cancellation of trains, lakhs of passengers also have to face trouble.
How to get refund of canceled trains
If you have booked tickets online then you do not have to worry. In case of train cancellation, the ticket amount will be credited to your original source account. Usually it is said that money will come into your account in 7-8 days. But sometimes the money comes within 3-4 days.
On the other hand, if you have taken a ticket from the counter, then in case of train cancellation, you will have to fill TDR to get a refund. After this you get your refund.