Railway Recruitment 2023 : Great opportunity to get a job in Dian Railway, you will get good salary, today is the last date.

Railway Recruitment 2023: Vacancy in North-Central Railway, more than 1600 posts will be filled, this is the last date
Railway Recruitment 2023: Vacancy in North-Central Railway, more than 1600 posts will be filled, this is the last date

NER Gorakhpur Jobs 2023: If you want to work in Indian Railways then this news is for you. North Eastern Railway, Gorakhpur, Recruitment Board had released the vacancy under NER RRC Gorakhpur. For which candidates can apply by visiting the official site ner.indianrailways.gov.in . The last date to apply for this campaign is today. After the last date passes, candidates will not get a chance to apply.

Through this recruitment drive, recruitment will be done on 37 posts of Junior Technical Associate in North Eastern Railway, Gorakhpur. Through the recruitment drive, 19 posts of Junior Technical Associate (Engineering), 09 posts of Junior Technical Associate (Signal) and 09 posts of Junior Technical Associate (Electrical) will be filled.

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Educational qualification

Candidates applying for this recruitment drive must have passed Diploma/Graduation from any recognized university or institute. The percentage for general category candidates applying is 60%. At the same time, it is necessary to have 55% marks for OBC NCL and 50% marks for SC/ST.

Age Limit

Talking about the age of the candidates applying for recruitment, the minimum age of the applying candidate has been fixed at 18 years and maximum age at 33 years. Reserved category candidates applying will be given relaxation in the maximum age limit.

This much application fee will have to be paid

Candidates applying for this recruitment will have to pay the application fee. The fee for General/OBC has been kept at Rs 500. Whereas for SC/ST/Women candidates applying, the fee has been fixed at Rs 250.

You will get this much salary

Candidates selected under Category X will be given a salary of Rs 30,000. Whereas, candidates selected under Category Y will be given a salary of Rs 27,000. Whereas the category Z candidates who apply will be given a salary of Rs 25,000. For more information, candidates can take help of the official site.

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