Railway Recruitment 2024: Recruitment for 1376 posts in railways, only these people can apply

Railway Recruitment 2024: Recruitment for 1376 posts in railways, only these people can apply
Railway Recruitment 2024: Recruitment for 1376 posts in railways, only these people can apply

If you are also dreaming of working in the railways, then there is good news for you. Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has announced recruitment for various posts in the paramedical category, which includes posts ranging from nursing superintendent to dietician and lab assistant. The application process will start from August 17.

Many people dream of working in the railways and they prepare for it with all their heart and soul. However, getting a government job is not that easy. For this, one has to study diligently and only if luck favors, one gets a job in the railways. By the way, jobs in the railways keep coming up frequently. Currently, recruitments have come out for more than 1300 posts. Actually, the Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has issued a notification for recruitment to various posts in the paramedical category.

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The application process for the recruitment of paramedical in railways will start from August 17 and the last date to apply has been fixed as September 16. Eligible and interested candidates can apply by visiting the official website of Railway Recruitment Board. A total of 1,376 posts will be filled in the railways through this recruitment.

Recruitment has come out for these posts

According to the railways, recruitment will be done for a total of 1,376 posts for 20 posts. This includes posts ranging from nursing superintendent to dietician, audiologist and speech therapist, clinical psychologist, dialysis technician, pharmacist and laboratory assistant. The maximum recruitment will be done for the post of nursing superintendent, for which a total of 713 posts have been reserved, while 246 posts are reserved for pharmacist, 126 posts for health and malaria inspector grade III, 94 posts for lab assistant grade II and 64 posts for radiographer X-ray technician. Apart from this, the number of posts in all other departments is less than 50.

What is the age limit and educational qualification?

For Dietician, the candidate must have BSc (Science) with PG Diploma in Dietetics (1 year) + 3 months internship or BSc Home Science + MSc Home Science (Food and Nutrition) degree. The age limit for this is 18 to 33 years. At the same time, for Lab Assistant Grade II, the candidate must have 12th with Science (Physics and Chemistry) or Diploma in Medical Lab Technology (DMLT). The age limit for this post has also been fixed at 18 to 33 years. To know the age limit and educational qualification of other posts, you can visit the official site of Railway Recruitment Board.


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