Rajasthan BSTC Result 2023: Rajasthan BSTC Result can be declared on this day, know where to see the result

Rajasthan BSTC Result 2023: Rajasthan BSTC Result can be declared on this day, know where to see the result
Rajasthan BSTC Result 2023: Rajasthan BSTC Result can be declared on this day, know where to see the result

Rajasthan BSTC pre deled result 2023, panjiyakpredeled.in: Rajasthan Pre Deled 2023 result may be declared soon. If media reports are to be believed, the official announcement of the exam results may happen this week. After the release of the results, you can see the results by visiting the official website.

Result will be released soon (Rajasthan BSTC pre deled result 2023)

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Rajasthan Pre D.El.Ed Entrance Exam was organized by the Education Departmental Examinations Office on 28 August 2023, in which 6 lakh candidates appeared for the exam. Since the examination, the candidates were waiting for the result to know when the result will come. If reports are to be believed, the result will soon be released by the Rajasthan government on the official website of the department.

Check your result here (BSTC result 2023 kab aayega date)

  • 1.To check the results, first of all you have to go to the official website panjiyakpredeled.in.
  • 2.You have to click on the result related link on the home page of the website.
  • 3.Now you will have to fill the login credentials like roll number and date of birth and submit.
  • 4.After this the result will open on the screen from where you can download or save it.

Counseling schedule will be released soon (panjiyakpredeled.in)

After the declaration of the result, the department can soon release the counseling schedule for the candidates. Candidates will have to complete the admission process by participating in counseling as per the rank obtained in the examination. Candidates who do not participate in the counseling process will not be able to get admission in any institute.

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