Ration Card New Rules : Ration Card in India can be used by low-income people at an affordable cost.
Used to provide cereals (wheat, rice etc.) and other essential cooking items
The central government started this scheme in 2020:
In 2020, during the lockdown, the central government decided to cover all the areas covered under the National Food Security Act (NFSA).
Launched a scheme to provide 5 KG of food grains per person free of cost to more than 80 crore beneficiaries.
Although, this scheme was to end on March 31, 2022, but the Modi government extended this scheme till December 30, 2022.
But now a rule related to Ration Card has been changed. Know more about the details of the new rule.
Know what is the plan of the government:
According to the Department of Food and Public Distribution (DFPD), 80 crore people are taking advantage of the National Food Security Act (NFSA).
Many of these people are financially affluent, who are ineligible.
Keeping this in mind, through the officials, these ineligible people are being asked to surrender the ration card.
Those who are financially affluent, they have to surrender the ration card.
Legal action may be taken:
Keep in mind that if any ineligible person does not surrender the ration card, then legal action will be taken against him after investigation.
The question is, which people will be considered eligible for this scheme.
So tell that who has a plot of more than 100 square meters, flat or house, or four wheeler or
If there is a tractor, there is a family income of Rs 02 lakh in the village and Rs 03 lakh in the city, then such people are ineligible for the ration card.
If someone has more than 5 acres of land, more than one Arms License or he is an Income Tax Payer then he is also ineligible.
Whoever falls in any of these categories, they will have to submit their own ration card.
Where to surrender ration card:
Those who are not eligible to have a ration card, they will have to submit their ration card to the Tehsil or DSO office.
For information, let us tell you that if such people do not surrender the ration card, then their ration card will be canceled after investigation.
Apart from this, legal action will be taken. Simultaneously, since ration is being taken on that ration card, there will be a recovery in lieu of ration.
80000 crores more will be spent:
Around Rs 2.6 lakh crore has been spent under PM Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana in the last two years.
Let us tell you that with the extension of 6 months, another Rs 80,000 crore will be spent.
But now with the suggestions given by the states, new rules are also being prepared for the characters.
After implementation, only eligible people will get the benefit, ineligible people will not get the benefit.
At the same time, legal action will be taken against the ineligible person under the new Ration Card.
Total number of ration cards distributed:
Let us inform that a total of 22,19,95,849 ration cards have been issued, whose total beneficiaries are 72,83,15,636.
Aadhar linked ration cards are 20,01,98,697. The beneficiaries associated with Aadhaar Card are 66,73,72,430.
Whereas Mobile No. Those ration cards are 8,44,89,637.