RBI Bank Locker New Rule: Bank locker holders! Know the new rules of RBI, otherwise there will be trouble later

Bank Locker Rule: RBI's new guidelines for bank lockers, see here
Bank Locker Rule: RBI's new guidelines for bank lockers, see here

Bank Locker Rules: Nowadays everyone keeps their money in the bank. They like to keep not only the deposited capital, but also expensive jewelry, house-shop and all the necessary documents in the bank. People store things in bank lockers. If you have also kept your belongings in the bank locker, then keep these things in mind

Bank Locker Rules: Nowadays everyone keeps their money in the bank. They like to keep not only the deposited capital, but also expensive jewelry, house-shop and all the necessary documents in the bank. People store things in bank lockers. If you have also kept your belongings in the bank locker, then definitely keep these things in mind.

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If the bank locker has not been opened for a long time, then you should check once whether the locker has been deactivated somewhere. Recently, in the new guidelines issued by the RBI regarding bank lockers, some revisions have been made in the old locker rules. It is said that if the locker is not used for a long time, it can be automatically closed. Even if you are paying regular rent. This includes rules related to not keeping the bank locker active.

These are the rules related to bank locker

According to RBI, if a bank locker is not opened within 7 years, then such locker becomes inoperative. In that case the bank will first wait for the claim of the customer. If he does not claim but pays regular rent, the locker bank will be opened.

These are the rules

Locker Deactivation Rule – As per RBI guidelines, the bank will first transfer the locker to the nominee or legal heir. If no information is found in respect of the nominee, the Bank will first inform the locker hirer. Along with this, alert message will also be sent to the email and mobile number. If the letter sent by the bank is returned or no information is received about the person, the bank has to inform in the newspaper.

Bank gives notice – This notice is given in English and other local languages. Whoever is entitled to it will have to answer to the bank. If still no one claims, the locker is broken by the bank.

Locker breaking process – When the bank official breaks open the locker and takes out the contents, video recording of the entire process is done in the presence of two witnesses. After opening the locker it is handed over to the senior officer.

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