New Delhi, Tech Desk. The smartphone maker Realme recently launched Narzo 10 and Narzo 10A under its new series in the Indian market. After making a strong place in the smartphone market, now Realme is preparing to make a mark in other segments including Smart Band and TV. The company has already launched fitness and has also informed that TV will also be launched soon. At the same time, the company is going to organize an event in China on May 25 and in this event Realme will launch 8 new products simultaneously.Â
The poster shared on Weibo informs that Realme is going to hold an event on May 25 in China. This poster features an image of power bank, smartphone and wireless earbuds. This makes it clear that devices will be launched in this segment on 25 May. But the company has not revealed the name of the products.
Along with this, Realme China CMO Xu Qi Chase has also shared a poster on Weibo. This poster shows the back panel of a smartphone with the codename Blade Runner. This makes it clear that the company will also present a smartphone at the event to be held on 25 May. In the front image, the back panel is given in glossy gray color variants and there is a quad rear camera setup. The company’s branding is given at the bottom of the phone.Â
However, earlier, Realme India CEO Madhav Seth, while sharing information about the company’s upcoming smartphone, said that the new smartphone uses the X3 SuperZoom with 60x zoom. In such a situation, it is expected that the company can present a 60x zoom smartphone at the event held on 25 May.Â