New Delhi, Tech Desk. It has been discussed for a long time that Xiaomi sub-brand Redmi is planning to launch Redmi 10X soon. The company’s general manager Lu Weibing had recently informed that the company could launch a new smartphone by the end of May, which will be based on the powerful chipset. At the same time, now the company has officially revealed about the launch date of its up-Coming smartphone Redmi 10X 5G, that this smartphone will be launched in China on 26th May.
Through a post on China’s micro blogging site weibo has clarified that the Redmi 10X smartphone will be launched on May 26. This smartphone will be introduced on the MediaTek Dimensity 820 chipset, using 2.6GHz ARM Cortex-A76 cores clocked for high performance. Along with this, the company has also clarified that this smartphone has got a score of 415,672 points in AnTuTu benchmarking. It will be available in White, Blue, Gold and Purple color variants.
Recently, information related to the price and storage of Redmi 10X was given, according to which this phone can be launched in four storage options. It will include 6GB RAM + 64GB, 6GB RAM + 128GB, 8GB RAM + 128GB and 8GB RAM + 128GB variants and can be priced between Rs 15,000 and 18,000.
According to the leaks revealed so far, Redmi 10X will have a 6.57 inch Full HD + OLED display, its screen resolution will be 1080 x 2400 pixels. The phone can be offered on MIUI 11 with Android 10. It will have 4500mAh available for power backup which will come with 22.5W fast charging support. For photography, it will have a quad rear camera setup, with a 48MP primary sensor.