Result released : Class 5th-8th Result Released, Check With This Direct Link

Result released : Class 5th-8th Result Released, Check With This Direct Link
Result released : Class 5th-8th Result Released, Check With This Direct Link

MP Class 5th-8th Result 2022 Direct Link: The result of class 5th and 8th of government schools has been declared by the education department of Madhya Pradesh. Students can check their result with the help of the direct link given below. 

The result of class 5th and 8th of government schools has been declared by the education department of Madhya Pradesh. The result was released today at 3 pm. Students can check their results online by visiting the State Education Center portal

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The result was announced by Rashmi Arun Shami, Principal Secretary, Madhya Pradesh School Education. The program was broadcast live through the official YouTube account of the State Education Center.

Let us inform that about 8,26,824 students had appeared in the class 5th examination, out of which 7,44,247 i.e. 90.01 percent students passed. At the same time, 7,56,967 students had appeared in the class 8th examination in Madhya Pradesh.

Out of these, 6,23,370 i.e. 82.35 percent students have passed. Due to the Kovid epidemic, the results of the examination were not being released for the last two years.

How to see result

1. Students first of all click on the direct link given above.

2. After this, click on the class 5th and 8th result link given on the home page.

3. Now you enter your roll number.

4. Your result will appear on your screen, download a copy of it and keep it with you.

Madhya Pradesh Education Department has said that now students can check their marks online, but they will be able to download their marksheets from May 20. The result will be valid only after the signature of the head of the school.


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