Salary Hike : Good News! Employees’ salary will increase by more than 25 percent, proposal ready

Salary Hike : Good News! Employees' salary will increase by more than 25 percent, proposal ready
Salary Hike : Good News! Employees' salary will increase by more than 25 percent, proposal ready

BMC Employees Salary: BMC is ready to give good salary hike to doctors and allied professionals working on contract to retain and attract talent in civil hospitals. Consultant doctors can expect a 25% pay hike, while cadres like physiotherapists will see a 60% pay hike.

Additional Municipal Corporation Commissioner Dr Sudhakar Shinde said, ‘We often lose valuable doctors to private hospitals that offer more attractive compensation and benefits.’

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After the weak response to the recent BMC recruitment drive, revision of the salary package was also considered necessary.

The proposed salary hike is expected to benefit around 400 doctors, many of whom have dedicated their services to civic hospitals, especially during the pandemic period. Those who will benefit from this increase include contract doctors, specialist doctors, assistant medical officers, occupational and physiotherapists etc.

How much will the salary be?

For example, the starting pay range for assistant medical officers will increase from Rs 72,000 to Rs 90,000 and if the doctor has a PG qualification, it will increase to Rs 1,00,000. For cadres like physiotherapists, the salary will increase from Rs 25,000 to Rs 40,000, an increase of 60%. This increase will also lead to standardization of salaries in hospitals.

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