SIP Negative Return: Investors troubled by negative returns are withdrawing money, but don’t make this mistake; Know your Investment Strategy

Investment Tips : Do these things while investing money anywhere, otherwise all your earnings will go waste.
Investment Tips : Do these things while investing money anywhere, otherwise all your earnings will go waste.

SIP Investment: According to a SEBI report, 50% units were redeemed in the first year and 23% in the second year of investing in FY23. Also, many investors have stopped their SIPs in the recent past due to poor returns and mis-selling of mutual funds.

SIP Investment: A new record has been created for investing through SIP in mutual funds, but according to a SEBI report, 50% units were redeemed in the first year of investing in FY23 and 23% in the second year. Also, in the recent past, many investors have stopped their SIPs, which include big reasons like poor returns and miss-selling of mutual funds (SIP in equity schemes). MoneyFront CEO Mohit Gang and Complete Circle Consultants Head-West Zone Vikas Puri tell you the disadvantages of stopping SIPs, what to do if you get stuck in wrong funds, and how to choose long term funds.

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MF redeeming investors

  • More than 50% of MF units were redeemed within a year
  • 73% units were redeemed within 2 years in FY23
  • 71% units were redeemed within 2 years in FY22
  • Few investors are continuing to invest for the long term

Mutual Fund Redemption

Holding Period          Unit Redeem(FY22)   Unit Redeem(FY23)
0-1 Years                             56.83%                     50.11%
1-2 Years                             15.14%                     23.04%
2-3 Years                             5.03%                       9.81%
3-5 Years                             20.41%                     13.96%
5 Years+                              2.59%                       3.09%

Why is the investment train stalling?

  • A great reason to invest based on past performance
  • Investors are stopping investment if there is no desired return
  • Investors trapped in wrong funds due to mutual fund misselling
  • Investors do not want to wait much for good returns
  • New investors are investing trend based instead of target based
  • Investors switching from one scheme to another for higher returns

Investors are doing SIP pause

  • SIP investment broke all records in May
  • Over ₹14000 Crore SIP Investments Done
  • Many investors also did SIP pause
  • Big drop in net to gross ratio of SIP
  • Gross SIP figures of ₹14,750 crore in May’23
  • SIP net inflow in May’23 was only ₹5696 crore

Why is investment stalling?

  • Growing number of DIY investors
  • Growing number of investment platforms
  • Peer pressure and social media pressure
  • Increasing offers of IPO and NFO
  • Switching between Direct and Regular Scheme

How to invest for the long haul?

  • Build core and satellite portfolios
  • Include 4-5 funds for long term
  • Keep long term funds in core portfolio
  • Can keep 1-2 sector/theme based funds
  • Hold Sectoral Funds for 3-5 years

What to do if you get negative returns continuously?

  • There can be many reasons for negative return on investment
  • Negative returns have been coming continuously for some time.

Check why the negative return is coming?

  • Despite the upheaval in the negative return sector
  • Poor performance due to market volatility
  • Continue investing if negative returns due to market
  • Market performance is not good at present
  • Negative returns also due to the decisions of the fund manager
  • Review if the returns are not good because of the fund manager

Stop SIP on negative returns?

  • Don’t stop SIP just because of negative returns
  • First of all see why the fund performed poorly?
  • Take a decision after knowing the reason for the negative return
  • There is a flaw in the fund’s strategy
  • In such a situation, it is correct to compare the fund with other funds.

Short term and negative returns

  • Invested for 5 years and less
  • Getting negative return on investment
  • Never take equity funds for short term
  • Returns from SIP investments are not visible in 1-2 years
  • SIP for 5 years will know the performance
  • SIP if done for less than 5 years
  • Choose an investment with less risk than equity

Long term and negative returns

  • Long term fluctuations get adjusted
  • There will be ups and downs in mutual fund investment
  • Market downturn is a good investment opportunity
  • It is right to increase investment at the time of decline
  • Now negative returns will improve in future
  • Fund performance is not good over a long period of time
  • In such a situation, stopping SIP can be considered.

Do not stop SIP

  • Stopping SIP will deposit less amount till the target
  • Disadvantages of stopping SIP in a volatile market
  • Profit from buying more in a falling market
  • Can take advantage of rupee cost averaging
  • Benefits of compounding with SIP in the long run
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