Employees Special leave: There is good news for the employees. They will get the benefit of leave. The rule has been amended for this. Along with this, policies and instructions have also been fixed. Central employees will be provided special leave for 42 days.
Employees Special leave, Employees leave: There is good news for the employees. They will get the benefit of leave. For this, the leave rule has been prepared by the central government. At the same time, the earlier rule has also been amended. Under which the leave have been extended by 12 more days.
Special casual leave benefits
The leave given by the central government to its employees have been increased. A big decision has been taken by the Modi government for the employees who are encouraged for organ donation. In such a situation, any employee will donate an organ. In view of his major surgery, he will be given special casual leave of 42 days.
Amendment of leave rule
Important amendments were also made in this rule in April 2023. Under which the leave was extended from 12 days by the central government. Explain that earlier 30 days leave was given to the employees for this work. Which has been increased to 42 days. It has been said in the official memorandum issued by the DoPT that donating any part of the body on behalf of the employee is considered a major surgery. In such a situation, along with hospitalization, recovery also takes time. Due to which the leave rule has been amended.
They will not get benefit
The same was implemented across the country from 25 April 2023. In the order issued by the DoPT, it was said that the order will not apply to all employees under the CCS leave rule. All India Services employees including railway employees will not get the benefit of this.
These are the rules
Under the revised rule, the maximum limit of leave for surgery and subsequent recovery will be 42 days. Earlier it was kept for 30 days. Now it has been increased by 12 days. Employees will also be given leave only when organ donation is done on the recommendation of a registered doctor on behalf of the government. This leave will be provided to all living donors. The benefit will be given only if duly approved for grant by a Government Registered Medical Practitioner as per the Transplantation of Human Organs Act 1994.
Benefits of casual leave
At the same time, under the current rule, employees will compulsorily get 30 days leave in the form of casual leave in any calendar year, while for the purpose of promoting organ donation among central employees, employees will be given special leave of maximum 42 days.