SSC CGL Exam 2023 : Prepare like this in the remaining days for Tier II exam, note down useful tips

SSC CGL Exam 2023 : Prepare like this in the remaining days for Tier II exam, note down useful tips
SSC CGL Exam 2023 : Prepare like this in the remaining days for Tier II exam, note down useful tips

SSC CGL Tier II Exam 2023: SSC CGL Tier II exam will be conducted from October 25. If you prepare like this in this remaining time, you will get good preparation and there will be no stress.

SSC CGL Tier II Exam 2023 Preparation Tips : Combined Graduate Level Examination Tier II of Staff Selection Commission will be conducted in a few days. The second phase examination will be held on 25, 26 and 27 October 2023. Broadly speaking, now only 15 days are left for the exam.

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Many times it becomes difficult to think how to manage this remaining time, what to read and what to leave. If you are also going through this problem then these tips may be useful for you. Every year lakhs of candidates appear for the SSC CGL exam. If you know how to prepare, you will get maximum benefit.

Prepare with the help of these tips

  • In this remaining time, do not get carried away with too much and revise the main topics as many times as possible.
  • At this time, previous year papers can help you a lot. Solve these and give lots of mock tests.
  • By giving a mock test daily, you will get an idea of ​​your situation and will also practice well. Do analyze after giving the paper.
  • Focus on time management in these last days. Divide each section in time and see how much time is required to complete each section.
  • Just like the study time table is made in the beginning, similarly now make a revision time table and divide the 15 days as per the need.
  • Do not put too much pressure on yourself at this time because nothing much can be done except revision in this time.
  • Study by taking regular breaks and take proper care of your sleep and diet. Eat healthy and homemade food because falling ill on the exam day will spoil all your hard work.
  • Take out time for entertainment and keep yourself fresh. Do not take stress and keep doing light exercises.
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