Sukanya Samriddhi Yojna: There has been a change in the rules of this wonderful scheme, take advantage of the information

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojna: There has been a change in the rules of this wonderful scheme, take advantage of the information
Sukanya Samriddhi Yojna: There has been a change in the rules of this wonderful scheme, take advantage of the information

If you have a daughter of 10 years or less in your house, then you can get the benefit of this scheme.

So you can take advantage even after opening a post office account in his name. If seen for you, then Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana will continue to get the most benefit.

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After investing money in this, income tax exemption is also available and when your daughter reaches the age of 21, you get a substantial amount deposited in her name, which you can take advantage of, which you can take for her education. Can get expenses in business or marriage.

Before investing in this scheme, it is very important for you to know that the central government has decided to make 5 major changes in this scheme. With these changes, investing in this scheme becomes very easy and the returns on the money deposited in it also start getting good. Know complete information about the major changes in Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana.

After the age of 18, the daughter will be able to operate the account herself

The biggest change has been made in Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana that the daughter in whose name you have taken the account, after completing 18 years of age, she can herself operate this account and take advantage. Till now the parents of the daughter had the authority to operate this account but this rule has been changed.

There will be loss after closing the account

Now if we talk about the daughter, due to which the death occurs or the parents of the girl child in whose name the account is present, or the account holders have some incurable disease, then they can close the account. option can be selected.

If we look at the money deposited in the account, then shortly before maturity, you can take advantage of it by withdrawing it with interest. By doing this, they start getting some help in fighting the financial crisis.


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