Telegram’s paid service will start in the new year, new features will also be launched


Telegram, the most used multimedia app after WhatsApp, is going to make major changes in the new year. Telegram’s fee-based service ‘Pay for Service’ is going to start in 2021. This information has been given by the founder of Telegram Pavel Durov himself.

Pavel said that we are going to start earning app in the new year. The company has said that some dollars will have to be repaid for a year, although no clear information has been given about the prices. Telegram’s paid service will be for business users only.

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Powell said that the company will launch many new features for its billions of customers in the new year. He further said that the company is not interested in selling its platform at all, although we are definitely looking for funding. According to Powell, the features of Telegram are currently free, they will remain free forever.

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Let us know that Telegram has soon announced the launch of features like Replying to Group Chat, Mention Smart Notification, Advance Polls, Admin Tool, Group Statics. The company is also introducing a new voice chat which will be for the group, although it will not be like a group video call. Through voice chat you will be able to connect people who are currently online.


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