Traffic police cut challans after wearing helmet, know new traffic rule

Traffic police cut challans after wearing helmet, know new traffic rule
Traffic police cut challans after wearing helmet, know new traffic rule

It has been seen many times that people wear helmets to avoid the police but forget to lock their strips. Now the traffic police is paying close attention to this thing and is cutting the challan.

Wearing a helmet is mandatory to drive a two-wheeler, this rule is known to everyone, but apart from wearing a helmet, it is very important to do one thing, where people often make mistakes. While driving on the road, your challan should not be deducted, so we have brought this news for you. Where you will tell why even after wearing the helmet, the challan is deducted for the helmet.

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Know what is the new rule

According to the Motor Vehicle Act, wearing a helmet is mandatory while driving two wheelers on Indian roads. Riding without a helmet is a violation of traffic rules and also attracts heavy fines. Apart from this, even after wearing a helmet, if a person does not tie the helmet, then it is also being taken as a violation of traffic rules. 2000 rupees challan is deducted for not locking the strip after wearing the helmet.

This effort of the government is to reduce the number of deaths in road accidents. According to the Motor Vehicle Act 194D, if you are caught without a helmet, you will have to pay a fine of Rs 1000, while wearing a helmet without BIS can also lead to a challan of up to Rs 1000. So when you are found wearing a helmet without a strip lock, you may have to pay a challan of Rs 2000.

25 thousand challan is deducted for riding a minor bike

If a minor is caught driving a car or bike, then his father will have to pay a challan, apart from this there is a provision of imprisonment up to 3 years. According to the Motor Vehicle Act, if your child is below 18 years of age and is caught driving a motor vehicle without a learner’s license, in that case, you will be punished under section 199A of the Motor Vehicles Act 1988. The guardian may be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years and a fine of twenty-five thousand rupees.

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