Traffic Rules: Now to break traffic rules can be costly, know complete details immediately

Traffic Rules! Challan can be deducted even after showing license and RC, know these traffic rules immediately
Traffic Rules! Challan can be deducted even after showing license and RC, know these traffic rules immediately

People who break traffic rules be careful because this news is very important for you. Actually, the government has banned those who break the traffic rules.

People who break traffic rules be careful because this news is very important for you. In fact, the government has decided to suspend licenses and permits along with fines on people who break traffic rules. So if you violate the traffic rule then you may have to lose your license for it forever. However, some laws have been made by the government to cancel the license, let’s have a look at it…

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Please tell that people who always break traffic rules, who have got used to doing so. Strict instructions have been given to such people that if a driver violates the rule for the third time in a month, action will be taken under him and his license and permit will be suspended for three months. During these three months he cannot drive himself and no other driver will be able to drive the vehicle on that permit. At the same time, the license will be renewed after this three-month period. However, whose license and permit will be cancelled, it will have to be made in a new way. In which not only will there be a waste of time, but apart from fines, money will also be spent in other process. Along with this, a separate list of drivers will also be prepared. The record of which will also be safe with the department.

At present, these instructions have been given by the department to all RTA secretaries i.e. this rule will be applicable to commercial vehicles and no such instructions have been received for non-commercial vehicles. Please tell that about 59 thousand commercial vehicles are registered. Including buses, school buses, trucks etc.

Actually, road accidents are happening a lot these days. For which traffic rules have been made but it is not being strictly followed. Due to which road accidents happen every day. Every day someone or the other loses his life. In order to control which the government has taken tough decisions, now it has decided to cancel the Challan Action Committee license on those who do not follow the rules. Due to which traffic rules will be followed properly. Due to this, the situation of jam will also not be created, as well as road accident can be controlled.

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