Train Ticket Booking : Follow this special trick for train ticket booking, you will get confirmed ticket immediately.

Train Ticket Booking : Follow this special trick for train ticket booking, you will get confirmed ticket immediately.
Train Ticket Booking : Follow this special trick for train ticket booking, you will get confirmed ticket immediately.

IRCTC Vikalp Scheme: Passengers who choose VIKALP option while booking tickets through IRCTC are not confirmed to have berths in alternative trains. It depends on the availability of trains and berths. Once confirmed in the alternate train, cancellation charges will be as per your berth/train status in the alternate train.

IRCTC Vikalp Scheme : Getting a confirmed ticket can be a very difficult task during holidays and festivals. While booking tickets, even after trying hard, many times we are not able to get a confirmed ticket. But there is a system called Alternative Train Accommodation Scheme (ATAS), also known as ‘VIKALP’. This is useful for passengers to get confirmed tickets.

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Passengers choosing VIKALP option while booking tickets through IRCTC are not confirmed to have berths in alternative trains. It depends on the availability of trains and berths. Once confirmed in the alternate train, cancellation charges will be as per your berth/train status in the alternate train.

You can be transferred to any alternate train chosen and depart between 30 minutes to 72 hours before the scheduled departure of the original train that you have booked.

Features of VIKALP

This scheme has been implemented for all types of trains and categories of passengers.

This scheme is applicable to all waitlisted passengers irrespective of booking quota and concessions.

You can select 7 trains under this scheme.

Fully WL passengers who have opted for VIKALP should check their PNR status after charting.

No additional charges will be levied on the passenger, or any refund will be given for the difference in fare.

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