On March 25, Indian Railways has canceled 279 trains. 14 trains have been rescheduled or their route has been changed. The main reason for the cancellation of trains is operational and maintenance related issues.
If you are also going to travel by train somewhere and you have booked tickets, then before leaving home, check the list of cancel, re-schedule and divert trains. Only after this leave home for the railway station. We are giving you this opinion because today, i.e. on 25 March 2022, Indian Railways has canceled 279 trains.
At the same time, the Railways has partially canceled 49 trains. These trains have been canceled due to operational and maintenance reasons. Most of the canceled trains were to run in UP, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh, Assam, West Bengal, Odisha, Maharashtra and Karnataka.
These trains were canceled on 25 March
00111, 00971, 01811, 01812, 01812, 01819, 01820, 01887, 01888, 91889, 01890, 03042, 03411, 03412, 03461, 03468, 03529, 03530, 03578, 03591, 03592, 03051, 03052, 03057, 03068, 03085, 03086, 03087, 03091, 03094, 84871, 04872, 05019, 05020, 05331, 05332 05334, 05363, 05364, 05366, 85701, 05702, 85717, 05718, 05758, 05751, 86545, 06546, 06595, 06596, 06919, 06920, 07329, 07330, 07331, 07347, 07348, 07367, 07368, 07377, 07797, 87798, 07906, 07907, 08303, 08304, 08437, eb438, 09118, 09113, 09440, 09444, 10101, 10102, 11301, 11302, 11311, 11312, 11807, 11808, 11901, 11902, 15709, 15710, 15777, 15778, 15811, 15812, 17303, 17304, 17320, 17325, 17326, 17391, 17392, 17435, 17436, 18413, 18414, 20948, 20949, 22883, 31191, 31311, 31312, 31411, 31412, 31414, 31511, 31512, 31514, 31612, 31712, 31721, 31741, 31811, 31812, 31911, 31912, 32211, 32212, 32213, 33311,33512, 33514, 33651, 33711, 33712, 33811, 33812, 33813, 33814, 33815, 34111, 34112, 34114, 34352, 34411, 34412, 34511, 34513, 34711, 34712, 34713, 34714, 34715, 34717, 34791, 34811, 34812, 34813, 34814, 34815, 34882, 34914, 34935, 34937, 34981, 36833, 36834, 36811, 36812, 36813, 36814, 36854, 37211, 37212, 37213, 37214, 37216, 37246, 37253, 37305, 37306, 37387, 37308, 37309, 37312, 37314, 37316, 37319, 37327, 37330, 37335, 37338, 37343, 37348, 37354, 37371, 37385, 37386, 37391, 37394, 37411, 37412, 37415, 37416, 37521, 37522, 37611, 37614, 37657, 37658, 37731, 37732, 37741, 37742, 37743, 37781, 37782, 37783, 37785, 37786, 37811, 37812, 37814, 37912, 38302, 38304, 38306, 38402, 38404, 38408, 38702, 38703, 38704, 38801, 38801, 38802, 38803,52965, 52965, 5296634352, 34411, 34412, 34511, 34513, 34711, 34712, 34713, 34714, 34715, 34717, 34791, 34811, 34812, 34813, 34814, 34815, 34882, 34914, 34935, 34937, 34981, 36833, 36834, 36811, 36812, 36813, 36814, 36854, 37211, 37212, 37213, 37214, 37216, 37246, 37253, 37305, 37306, 37387, 37308, 37309, 37312, 37314, 37316, 37319, 37327, 37330, 37335, 37338, 37343, 37348, 37354, 37371, 37385, 37386, 37391, 37394, 37411, 37412, 37415, 37416, 37521, 37522, 37611, 37614, 37657, 37658, 37731, 37732, 37741, 37742, 37743, 37781, 37782, 37783, 37785, 37786, 37811, 37812, 37814, 37912, 38302, 38304, 38306, 38402, 38404, 38408, 38702, 38703, 38704, 38801, 38801, 38802, 38803,52965, 52965, 5296634352, 34411, 34412, 34511, 34513, 34711, 34712, 34713, 34714, 34715, 34717, 34791, 34811, 34812, 34813, 34814, 34815, 34882, 34914, 34935, 34937, 34981, 36833, 36834, 36811, 36812, 36813, 36814, 36854, 37211, 37212, 37213, 37214, 37216, 37246, 37253, 37305, 37306, 37387, 37308, 37309, 37312, 37314, 37316, 37319, 37327, 37330, 37335, 37338, 37343, 37348, 37354, 37371, 37385, 37386, 37391, 37394, 37411, 37412, 37415, 37416, 37521, 37522, 37611, 37614, 37657, 37658, 37731, 37732, 37741, 37742, 37743, 37781, 37782, 37783, 37785, 37786, 37811, 37812, 37814, 37912, 38302, 38304, 38306, 38402, 38404, 38408, 38702, 38703, 38704, 38801, 38801, 38802, 38803,52965, 52965, 5296636813, 36814, 36854, 37211, 37212, 37213, 37214, 37216, 37246, 37253, 37305, 37306, 37387, 37308, 37309, 37312, 37314, 37316, 37319, 37327, 37330, 37335, 37338, 37343, 37348, 37354, 37371, 37385, 37386, 37391, 37394, 37411, 37412, 37415, 37416, 37521, 37522, 37611, 37614, 37657, 37658, 37731, 37732, 37741, 37742, 37743, 37781, 37782, 37783, 37785, 37786, 37811, 37812, 37814, 37912, 38302, 38304, 38306, 38402, 38404, 38408, 38702, 38703, 38704, 38801, 38801, 38802, 38803,52965, 52965, 5296636813, 36814, 36854, 37211, 37212, 37213, 37214, 37216, 37246, 37253, 37305, 37306, 37387, 37308, 37309, 37312, 37314, 37316, 37319, 37327, 37330, 37335, 37338, 37343, 37348, 37354, 37371, 37385, 37386, 37391, 37394, 37411, 37412, 37415, 37416, 37521, 37522, 37611, 37614, 37657, 37658, 37731, 37732, 37741, 37742, 37743, 37781, 37782, 37783, 37785, 37786, 37811, 37812, 37814, 37912, 38302, 38304, 38306, 38402, 38404, 38408, 38702, 38703, 38704, 38801, 38801, 38802, 38803,52965, 52965, 5296637812, 37814, 37912, 38302, 38304, 38306, 38402, 38404, 38408, 38702, 38703, 38704, 38801, 38801, 38802, 38803,52965, 52965, 5296637812, 37814, 37912, 38302, 38304, 38306, 38402, 38404, 38408, 38702, 38703, 38704, 38801, 38801, 38802, 38803,52965, 52965, 52966
These trains were partially canceled
05509 Saharsa-Jamalpur, 05562 Lokmanya Tilak-Jayanagar, 05727 Katihar-Radhikapur, 12488 Anand Vihar Terminal- Jogbani, 12856 Itawari-Bilaspur 04913, Palwal-Ghaziabad, 11013 Lokmanya-Tilak-Coimbatore, 11014 Coimbatore-Gorambathpur-Lokman , 15273 Raxaul-Anand Vihar Terminal, 15274 Anand Vihar Terminal-Raxaul, 16591 Hubli-Mysore, 16592 Mysore-Hubli and 19568 Okha-Tuticoran trains.
How to check train status
For the convenience of railway passengers, the railways puts the list of canceled trains on the railway website. Apart from this, its information is also available on NTES app. To know the status of any train, one has to visit the railway website https://enquiry.indianrail.gov.in/mntes. By entering the number of the train here, you will be able to know its status.