Amidst the spread of Omicron virus, UIDAI has solved the great difficulty of pensioners to submit Life Certificate. UIDAI has launched FACE AUTHENTICATION SERVICE for pensioners.
Through this, any pensioner can give proof of his existence by sitting at home. A mobile app has been launched for this purpose. Its name is AadhaarFaceRd App.
Let us inform that the Modi government has taken this step under the Ease of Submitting Life Certificate campaign. With this, the pensioner will no longer have to face the inconvenience of cutting the bank or treasury.
Step by step understand how face scan will be done
Download AadhaarFaceRd App from Google Play Store.
After the RD service is installed, it will appear in the settings.
Download Jeevan Pramaan Face Application from https://jeevanpramaan.gov.in/package/download
Click on Client Installation Document for Android Face App.
Provide the required information -> A link will be sent to the mail id -> Click on the link -> The file gets downloaded in the download folder.
Click on File to Install the App
Open the app -> Give required permission-> This will open a screen for operator authentication-> Provide required information-> Submit-> Enter OTP-> Operator’s face will be scanned-> If correct, pop-up will appear” Client registration successful”.
pay attention
1. Operator authentication is a one-time process.
2. Pensioner can also be an operator.
3. After operator authentication, a screen will open for pensioner authentication.
4. One operator can generate DLC of multiple pensioners.
pensioner certification
Fill the required details-> Submit-> Enter OTP-> Then Submit
Fill all the details correctly as shown on the screen, click on both the checkboxes and submit.
(Note:- Due to wrong information, the updation of DLC in the Pension Disbursement Office cannot be done)
Click on the checkbox and Scan for Live Photograph.
In this pop-up window select “Yes” to continue with the scan process.
Click on the checkbox and proceed.
While performing face authentication, keep your face straight and follow the on-screen instructions.
After face scanning the DLC submission with proof ID and PPO number appears on the mobile screen.
If you have any query then mail to dic.doppw@gov.in.