Update Trains Cancel List: Before leaving home, definitely know the list of canceled and diverted trains, today so much cancellation happened

Update Trains Cancel List: Before leaving home, definitely know the list of canceled and diverted trains, today so much cancellation happened
Update Trains Cancel List: Before leaving home, definitely know the list of canceled and diverted trains, today so much cancellation happened

Train Running Status: On June 27, many trains have been canceled by the Railways. Along with this, many trains have also been diverted. See its list here.

Canceled Trains List: There are many modes of transport in the country. At the same time, rail is considered to be the easiest means among these means. Rail exists only as a cheap means for long journeys. However, due to some reasons, sometimes trains on some routes are also canceled. Today on Monday 27th June also many trains have been canceled and diverted by the Railways.

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Due to this trains are canceled

There can be many reasons behind the cancellation of the train. Common reasons for train cancellations include bad weather, technical issues, repair of tracks, etc. However, in many states including Bihar, people’s anger was seen against the Agneepath scheme of the central government. Due to which people also set fire to trains and also damaged railway property. Due to these reasons too many trains had to be cancelled.

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How many trains are canceled

At the same time, according to the information given by the Railways, today on June 27, 312 trains have been partially or completely canceled. Of these, 253 trains have been completely canceled. While 59 trains have been partially cancelled. Apart from this, 27 trains have been rescheduled or diverted by the Railways today. Of these, 7 trains have been rescheduled and 20 trains have been diverted.

How to check canceled train list?

To check the list of canceled trains, visit this link https://www.irctchelp.in/cancelled-trains-list/#list2 . After this, the list of partially canceled trains and the list of completely canceled trains will be shown here on June 27. Whereas, to see the list of rescheduled or diverted trains, click on this link https://www.irctchelp.in/train-rescheduled-diverted-today-updates/ .

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