UPSC IFS Main 2023: Admit cards will come on this day, exam will be held on 26th November

UPSC IFS Main 2023: Admit cards will come on this day, exam will be held on 26th November
UPSC IFS Main 2023: Admit cards will come on this day, exam will be held on 26th November

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the date of release of admit card for Indian Forest Service (Main) Examination, 2023 on the official website. As per released date, applicants can appear for IFS (Main) Exam 2023.

UPSC IFS Main exam 2023: Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the date of release of admit card for Indian Forest Service (Main) Examination, 2023. The Commission will upload the admit card of IFS (Main) Exam 2023 on November 17. Candidates can download the admit card through the official website

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UPSC Indian Forest Service (Main) Examination, 2023 will be conducted on November 26. The examination will be conducted in two shifts. The first shift is from 9 am to 12 noon and the second shift is from 02:30 pm to 05:30 pm. Please note that entry into the examination center will not be allowed without admit card. Candidates are advised not to forget to carry Aadhar Card along with the admit card.

UPSC IFS Main Admit Card 2023: This is how you can download the admit card

Step 1- First of all you have to go to the official website

Step 2- Now click on “UPSC IFS Main exam admit” link on the home page.

Step 3- Fill the required information asked here.

Step 4- Admit card will be in front of you.

Step 5- Download it.

The official notification states, “In case of any mistake in the e-admit card, candidates can immediately inform the Commission by sending a mail to the email id ( It has further been said that on the day of the examination, the printout of the admit card will have to be shown and a passport size photograph will also have to be brought for identification.

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