Want to know your Provident Fund balance? Here is how to check PF balance through SMS alerts


Well, most of use hardly keep a track of money in the PF account after a certain period. However, the process is very easy.
All salaried employees contribute a part of their salaries towards Employees Provident Fund Scheme. The equal amount is contributed by the employer. The sum is collected on the behalf of employee is paid at the time of retirement. Not just this, you also receive the interest on this amount, allowing the employees to build a retirement corpus. But, how frequently do you check your provident fund balance?

Well, most of use hardly keep a track of money in the PF account after a certain period. However, the process is very easy. The employees can check their EPF balance in three ways – through a missed call, SMS alerts and by downloading the government app Umang. The SMS alerts are probably the easiest option of all.

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How to check PF balance through SMS alerts?

– Open the messaging app on your smartphone.

– Type “EPFOHO UAN” and send it to 7738299899 via your registered mobile number.

– The facility is available in 10 languages – English (default), Hindi, Punjabi, Gujarati, Marathi, Kannad, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam and Bengali.

– To receive an SMS in any other language, add the first three characters of the preferred language.

– You will then receive details of your last PF contribution and balance of the member account by the EPFO.

What things to keep in mind?

According to the Ministry of Labour & Employment, employees are required to have their Universal Account Number (UAN) activated to know their PF balance via this service.

The government of India has allowed a special withdrawal facility amid the coronavirus crisis. The employees can simply log on to the Employee Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) portal to avail special withdrawal facility. The members of EPF can withdraw 75 per cent of the amount standing to their credit, limited to three months’ wages.

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