WhatsApp’s iPhone users will now be able to make group video calls and group voice calls with up to 8 people simultaneously.
Whatsapp has offered support to add more than 4 people on an official group call. That is, WhatsApp users will now be able to make group video calls and group voice calls with 8 people simultaneously. For information, let us know that at the moment stable support of this feature has been introduced for iPhone users.
Visual Improvement for iOS 13 has been added to the latest update of WhatsApp for iOS. IPhone users can download this latest version in the App Store.
Keep in mind that in order to use this feature, every member who gets added must have the latest and one type of version. That is, if anyone who does not have the latest version, he will not be able to add to that group call.
How to do a group call with 8 people
After updating the latest version of WhatsApp on iOS, you can go to a group or talk with 8 people both by calling buttons.
For information, let us know that there are two options for making voice or video group calls. The first is by pressing the calling button directly on the group (this is possible when you have formed a group of the four people you want to call.) The second call is by going to the tab, press the call button and then adding the one. – Calling can also be done by adding them.