UPI Wrong Payment : Don’t worry if you transferred money through UPI to the wrong place, you can easily get a refund like this.

UPI payment : There will be change in the rules of UPI payment! It will take 4 hours to make payment, know the whole thing
UPI payment : There will be change in the rules of UPI payment! It will take 4 hours to make payment, know the whole thing

Wrong UPI Payment: UPI Payment came like a revolution in the country. It has completely changed our transaction habits. Be it sending money from one place to another or making payments at shops, UPI has made everything very easy and fast.

By scanning the QR in a few seconds, your money is transferred (UPI Transfer) and payment is done with complete security. However, many times people send money to someone else’s account by mistake.

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After that we are worried as to how we will get our money back. There is no need to panic in such a situation. You can easily get your money back by following some simple steps. Let us know how.

What to do if UPI payment is made by mistake? 

If you ever make a wrong UPI payment, then first of all call the customer service department of your bank. You can also contact the UPI service provider. According to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), first of all,

information about wrong transaction has to be given to the customer support of your payment service provider. After money is transferred to the wrong account through UPI or Net Banking, you can lodge a complaint by calling the toll free number 18001201740. You will have to give them all the information related to payment.

If there is no solution, complain here

If you are not satisfied then you can also complain on NPCI Portal. Go to the portal and click on ‘What we do’. Here you will get many options. Select UPI from these. After this, go to the ‘Complaint Section’ and fill the details of the transaction.

In this, information like bank name, email, phone number and UPI ID etc. will have to be given. After this select the option of ‘Incorrectly transferred to the wrong UPI address’. Along with this, also attach valid documents.

If solution is not found within 30 days, contact Banking Ombudsman 

If the problem is not resolved within 30 days of complaining, you can also contact the Banking Ombudsman. However, as per the rules, you will have to report the wrong transaction within 3 days of the incident.

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