![5G Network Will Be launch soon: 5G will be launched in India soon? PM Modi said this thing, know immediately 5G Network Will Be launch soon: 5G will be launched in India soon? PM Modi said this thing, know immediately](https://www.discountwalas.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/pm-modi-5g-Technology-lanch-will-be-soon.png)
5G Network: Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the nation after hoisting the ‘Tricolor’ for the 9th consecutive time from the ramparts of the Red Fort. During this, he has said a big thing about 5G service. You will also be shocked to hear this..
India is celebrating Independence Day as the Amrit Mahotsav on the completion of 75 years of independence and on this occasion, Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated the nation after hoisting the ‘Tricolor’ for the 9th consecutive time on the ramparts of the Red Fort. addressed. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has assured the citizens of India that 5G is coming very soon.
5G coming very soon
Supporting ‘Made-in-India’ technology, PM Modi said that it is time for India’s technology. The Indian government is also focusing on bridging the digital divide between rural and urban India. According to a PTI report, Modi said that with 5G, OFC (optical fiber cable) and semiconductor manufacturing, a revolution is coming through Digital India at the grassroots level.
PM Modi said this for 5G network
The PM believes that 5G networks and OFCs will positively impact India in three segments – education, healthcare and transforming lives of the common man. Further, PM Modi said that a lot of talent in India is coming from Tier-2 and Tier-3 cities as Digita India initiatives and startups are growing in India. All telecom companies have access to the technology and spectrum required to launch 5G networks. Whether it will be today or later in the month is something we will have to wait and see.
PM Modi added ‘Jai Anusandhan’ to ‘Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan…’
Addressing the nation from the ramparts of the Red Fort, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, ‘Lal Bahadur Shastri had given the slogan Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan and Atal Bihari Vajpayee had added Jai Vigyan to it. Now I add Jai Anusandhan to this. Innovation is very important for Amritkal.