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Home News Update Google Pay :Big News! Earn money on Google Pay like this! Very...

Google Pay :Big News! Earn money on Google Pay like this! Very easy tips will come in handy

Important news for Google Pay users! RBI does not recognize Google Pay? Government disclosed the truth, know here
Important news for Google Pay users! RBI does not recognize Google Pay? Government disclosed the truth, know here

If you use Google Pay then you have a good chance that you can win a lot of cash and the method is also very easy.

Google Pay is a secure and fast payment solution in India. From youth to elderly people are using Google Pay fiercely to make payments. However, with the help of Google Pay, you can also earn money.

This is not a regular payment, but it is a cashback that you get during the payment. Many people do not get cashback during payment, but today we have brought very easy tips for you, with the help of which you can win a lot of cashback while making

Google payments and it will also be quite regular because most of the people get one to two Once you get cashback, it stops but after following our tips, your chances of getting cashback will increase, so let’s know how this method will work.

Avoid paying on the same account

If you are thinking that you will get a lot of cashback by paying on the same account again and again, then it is not because when you pay on the same account, Google will give you cashback once or twice.

After this the cashback is not given to you. Instead other offers are given to you but you do not win good cashback. In such a situation, if you want good cashback, then try to make payment on different accounts, which increases the chances of getting cashback and the amount of cashback also increases significantly.

Transfer medium amount

If you transfer too little or too much amount through Google Pay, then your chances of getting cashback are very less. While using Google Pay, users have to keep in mind that if you are making a very small payment then you will get less cashback like if you do double-digit payment then you will get less or no cashback.

At the same time, if you make triple digit payment, then your chances of getting cashback increase significantly. Many people feel that if they transfer more than triple digit amount again and again, it will also give a lot of cashback, whereas it is not so.


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