New Delhi, Tech Desk. After the relaxation of the lockdown in the tech industry, now companies are continuously launching new smartphones and devices in the market. Lenovo is also not far behind, with the company launching the Yoga Duet 7i and IdeaPad Duet 3i, including two devices in its tablet segment. Which are the first convertible devices of the company and with it also introduced the ditchable Bluetooth keyboard. These tablets work on 2 in one Windows 10 and have LTE support. Apart from this, they come with Bluetooth 5 connectivity. Let’s know about their price and specifications in detail.
Lenovo Yoga Duet 7i and IdeaPad Duet 3i Price
The Lenovo Yoga Duet 7i is priced at EUR 1,199 i.e. approximately Rs 99,300 and will be available with folio keyboard and e-color pen. This tablet will be made available for sale from June. At the same time, the initial price of IdeaPad Duet 3i is EUR 429 i.e. around 35,500 rupees and its sale will be started in July. Let us know that the company has also launched Lenovo Smart Tab M10 FHD Plus with these tablets, its price is EUR 229 i.e. around 18,900 rupees.
Lenovo Yoga Duet 7i and IdeaPad Duet 3i
Lenovo Yoga Duet 7i has a 13-inch 2K touchscreen display with a screen resolution of 2160×1350 pixels. Dolby vision support is available in it. The device weighs 799 grams and works on Intel 10th Gen. It has 16GB RAM with 1TB PCIe SSD facility. The tablet has a 5MP back camera and a 5MP infrared camera. The battery used in it can give a backup of 12.3 hours. The device has three USB Type C ports, SD card reader and headphone jack.
At the same time, if we look at the features of IdeaPad Duet 3i, it has a 10.3 inch full HD display. Whose screen resolution is 1920×1200 pixels and weighs 600 grams. This device works on Intel Pentium N5030 processor. It has 8GB DDR4 RAM and 128GB eMMC storage. The battery of the tablet is capable of giving 9 hours of life. It has two USB Type C ports and a headphone jack.